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I awaken in an unknown location.  Clothes are completely different and strangely heavy.  In my hand is a sword that holds much mystery behind it. The sword is a longsword, slightly smaller than myself.  The blade seems as if it was newly polished reflecting the sun from the blade. Along the middle of the blade that ran down to the hilt were the 12 zodiac constellations.  Each seemed as if they were supposed to radiate as bright as the stars, but were faded out.  The hilt was a dark silver as if it resembled the sky at night.  The pommel and guard had 6 gems slots each engraved on it, but no gems. Each Gem slot represents each of the 12 zodiac signs.  If the gems are returned to the correct spot, the sword will gain power as well as the sword bearer.  The sword is called "The Absolute Sign".

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